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Sunday, September 19, 2010

S.G.R. (Sunday Gospel Reflections) No.2

Luke 16:1-3 or 1-13 (The Unrigtheous Steward)

I don't know if this is a co-incidence, last week before I started to do blogs again I came across with a friend of mine in the the internet. Just a few moments ago before I started this blog, I have come across with my officemate before who also happens to be a good friend of mine. A hard working staff in HR dept. im my previous employer. Charles, as what we fondly call him but I think he likes to be called as "Paul" or "PC". Not a personal Computer but Paul Charles...hehehe..

Now what's the connection with Paul and the Gospel for today? Definitely he is not the Unrigtheous Steward, but instead he is an example of a Trust worthy servant. For the past 2 months of working with him, I saw him how grateful he is with the work he has and I know he is happy with the achievements he has accomplished. He may not notice it but indeed he is a big part of the team. Unlike the Steward in the Gospel, a stubborn and coward steward. Unworthy of the trust that his master has given him.

Now the Good Lord ask us today, are we faithful to Him, to His Love and to His Promise of Salvation.

Luke 16: 13
"No servant can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be devoted to one and despise the other You cannot serve God and wealth."

Your own comments as well as your personal reflections are also encouraged. Happy Sunday to us all!! Amen!!!

1 comment:

  1. aww! Thanks Pards! it's nice knowing that you do not forget your religious responsibilities.
    you reached that far because you are a good person. God Bless!
