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Sunday, October 3, 2010
Pagka-anonimo ng Buhay (Anonimity of Life): SGR No.4
SGR No.4

Luke 17:5-10 (Eve of Transitus-Passing over of St. Francis of Assisi)
The apostles said to the Lord, "Increase our faith!"
Tonight, I do join the whole Franciscan Family in commemorating the passing over of our seraphic father Francis from his life here on earth to heaven. A peaceful death, that is how they will describe his passing over. Just 2 years before his death, he already surrendered his life to the Lord with such a great joy and humility in serving Him and eventually receiving the wounds of our Lord.
In the Gospel, that is the challenge to us. To serve the Lord, will our lives humbly just like St.Francis. No wonder he earned the respect of the church to be called "Alter Christus" (Other Christ). Lucky are those who experienced to live with St. Francis, for they have a glimpse of the Lord in their time. A man of charism and even during his time he had conquered the muslim and arab region because of his way of living. if I were to give him a title it would be "The first Ambassador of peace." It is by his example that attracted people from all walks of life to follow Christ in poverty. Nevertheless, after his death the history of Francis, his past, present and his future was erased but the Love of the Lord flowed to all the ends of the earth. as what he always says and do, Lord make me your instrument.
Lord I lift up my soul to you. In you alone I trust.
O most holy soul,
at your departure from the earth, the heavenly host comes to meet you,
the angelic choir rejoices and the glorious Trinity welcomes you, saying:
remain with us forever.
PAX ET BONUM! (Peace and All Good!)
Saturday, September 25, 2010
SGR no.3
The Rich Man and Lazarus (Luke 16: 19-21)
Good day my Friends. Todays reflection will be a short one. There is this saying from one of my friends who happens to be a priest, "Short homily moves a heart and soul, but a long homily moves a chair." - Fr. Bert San Diego, OFM Cap.
The message for today's Gospel is simple yet I do believe it is hard for most us of, including me. The Lord ask us what is more important. To live a Life of grandiosity or to live simply and helping others as well? It is up to us to choiose between our needs and wants, and if we properly classify the things we truly need as well as the things that we just want. To live a simple life but near and dear to Him, or to live a luxurious life but away from His Love.
"To be poor in spirit is to be with God's Love. All will be well, nothing to worry." - inspired by St.Francis of Assisi.
Happy Sunday to all of us.
Good day my Friends. Todays reflection will be a short one. There is this saying from one of my friends who happens to be a priest, "Short homily moves a heart and soul, but a long homily moves a chair." - Fr. Bert San Diego, OFM Cap.
The message for today's Gospel is simple yet I do believe it is hard for most us of, including me. The Lord ask us what is more important. To live a Life of grandiosity or to live simply and helping others as well? It is up to us to choiose between our needs and wants, and if we properly classify the things we truly need as well as the things that we just want. To live a simple life but near and dear to Him, or to live a luxurious life but away from His Love.
"To be poor in spirit is to be with God's Love. All will be well, nothing to worry." - inspired by St.Francis of Assisi.
Happy Sunday to all of us.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
S.G.R. (Sunday Gospel Reflections) No.2
Luke 16:1-3 or 1-13 (The Unrigtheous Steward)
I don't know if this is a co-incidence, last week before I started to do blogs again I came across with a friend of mine in the the internet. Just a few moments ago before I started this blog, I have come across with my officemate before who also happens to be a good friend of mine. A hard working staff in HR dept. im my previous employer. Charles, as what we fondly call him but I think he likes to be called as "Paul" or "PC". Not a personal Computer but Paul Charles...hehehe..
Now what's the connection with Paul and the Gospel for today? Definitely he is not the Unrigtheous Steward, but instead he is an example of a Trust worthy servant. For the past 2 months of working with him, I saw him how grateful he is with the work he has and I know he is happy with the achievements he has accomplished. He may not notice it but indeed he is a big part of the team. Unlike the Steward in the Gospel, a stubborn and coward steward. Unworthy of the trust that his master has given him.
Now the Good Lord ask us today, are we faithful to Him, to His Love and to His Promise of Salvation.
Luke 16: 13
"No servant can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be devoted to one and despise the other You cannot serve God and wealth."
Your own comments as well as your personal reflections are also encouraged. Happy Sunday to us all!! Amen!!!
I don't know if this is a co-incidence, last week before I started to do blogs again I came across with a friend of mine in the the internet. Just a few moments ago before I started this blog, I have come across with my officemate before who also happens to be a good friend of mine. A hard working staff in HR dept. im my previous employer. Charles, as what we fondly call him but I think he likes to be called as "Paul" or "PC". Not a personal Computer but Paul Charles...hehehe..
Now what's the connection with Paul and the Gospel for today? Definitely he is not the Unrigtheous Steward, but instead he is an example of a Trust worthy servant. For the past 2 months of working with him, I saw him how grateful he is with the work he has and I know he is happy with the achievements he has accomplished. He may not notice it but indeed he is a big part of the team. Unlike the Steward in the Gospel, a stubborn and coward steward. Unworthy of the trust that his master has given him.
Now the Good Lord ask us today, are we faithful to Him, to His Love and to His Promise of Salvation.
Luke 16: 13
"No servant can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be devoted to one and despise the other You cannot serve God and wealth."
Your own comments as well as your personal reflections are also encouraged. Happy Sunday to us all!! Amen!!!
Saturday, September 11, 2010
S.G.R. (Sunday Gospel Reflections) No.1

Hi guys!!! I'm back again after a few months of being inactive in making blogs. This time I'll make use of my blog in spreading the Word. You can also share your thoughts and comments. I'm eager to read them, it doesn't matter whether you don't agree or not. It's nice to back. Hoping to hear from you guys. Happy Sunday!!!
Lots of Love and Prayers,
Mighty Brusco
The Gospel According to LUKE 15:1-32
(The 3 Parables on Lost and Found)
It's almost a year that has passed since the last time I posted a blog. Just this noon time, i have a chance to have a video chat with one of my friends way back in the Philippines, a Capuchin Friar. I asked him what are the Readings for this sunny Sunday. Then he gave me the verses, but the problem is I'm lost. I realized that i don't have a bible with me. Living here in a muslim dominated country is really hard. It is good that we have the internet, so i looked up on the verses. At that point i decided to write my reflections, sort of a diary so to speak.
Then i realized, I do have my own blogsite. I thought it is a good idea to activate it once more and use it with a much more meaningful purpose, "Anonimity of life." A lost soul, constantly looking the meaning of life here on earth. Co-incidentally the message of the Gospel is "Lost and found",the message of today's reading is clear. No matter how many times we turn away from His love, the good Lord with his loving mercy eagerly awaits for us. Just like the Lost sheep, the Lost Coin and the Prodigal Son. It doesn't matter how many times we fail, but what counts most if the number of times we rise up and go on with life and to continue our journey with Him. His love never fades away. No if's and no but's, He loves us with no condition in return.
Life is a constant search for it's meaning, it's purpose. Hopefully before our life comes to an end, there will be no regrets. Before the final buzzer of our life sounds, we hope that we have lived a life with meaning not only to ourselves but also to others. It's not yet late for us to go back to His Love.
* Thanks for my family, friends, my Capuchin Friends and to my beloved one, Paula for always inspiring and motivating me to go on with life. I love you all, always. This is for You, my Lord and my God the true meaning of Life. Amen.
3:00pm, @ my Room, Tungku Rimba, Brunei Darussalam
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